TriHealth Bridge

September 16, 2019

Special Care Nursery Grateful Family Recognition

Robin Williams, RN in the Special Care Nursery, was honored for the third year in a row by Jacob Morrisroe’s family. Jacob was cared for in the SCN when he was born in 2016 and for his birthday every year the family requests gifts to the Special Care Nursery in honor of his caregivers. Family and friends of Jacob have raised over $1,000 in support of the Special Care Nursery.

Hospice of Hamilton Grateful Family Recognition

Hospice of Hamilton team members, Sue Snodgrass RN, Keri Allen PCS, Stacey Willging RN and Joe Krueger RN were recently recognized by a grateful family member.

Congratulations for being recognized through the Bethesda Foundation's Grateful Family Program. Hospice of Hamilton received a gift in these team members honor from a grateful family member.

The grateful family member included a note with her gift, thanking HOC for the care of her mother.

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the Hospice of Hamilton Care team that took care of my Mom, Shirley Martin. Each team member always showed genuine and exceptional compassion. They all went above and beyond to make sure Mom was comfortable and provided anything we needed. The moral support we received from each one of them is beyond words. I have no doubt that Mom, being a retired RN, is in Heaven beaming with pride and heartfelt thanks for the great care she received. Thank you!"

Hospice of Cincinnati Grateful Family Recognition

Diana Kummerling
Diana Kummerling
Hospice of Cincinnati team member Diana Kummerling was recently recognized by a grateful family member.

Congratulations for being recognized through the Bethesda Foundation's Grateful Family Program. Hospice of Cincinnati received a gift in this team member's honor from a grateful family member.

The grateful family members included a note with their gift, thanking HOC for the care of their mother.

"We would like to thank the Hospice of Cincinnati organization and a special thanks to Lead Nurse Diana. My mother was provided visits and help for her last 5 months of life. The extra attention helped her to enjoy her time. When mother’s condition changed and the end was near Lead Nurse Diana called in the team to provide 5 days of 24 hour care. All the nurses provided this only child the confidence to leave at night knowing mother was being continuously attended and they would call if anything would change with mother’s condition. On the last day, Diana called and my wife and I were able to sit with mother on her final day. We have included our donation so you can continue your special mission for our last days."

The Grateful Family Program allows families to recognize a physician, nurse, caregiver or team member who made a difference in their life with a donation and a note of thanks. Donations made through the Grateful Family Program provide support for programs and services at Hospice of Cincinnati.

For more information about the Bethesda Foundation's Grateful Family Program for Hospice of Cincinnati, please contact Lori Asmus at 513-865-4598 or

Pictured Above: Robin Williams RN

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