TriHealth Bridge

September 10, 2019

The Bethesda North HARP Clinic, which started about 18 months ago, has two new initiatives.

The HARP (High Acuity Readmission Prevention) Clinic has started a pilot Housecall Program. This program is for a patient being discharged who is at high risk for readmission and complications but has refused to go to an extended care facility. The patient will have Home Care Services, which is standard care, but when the patient is also referred to HARP, the patient will receive a physician housecall 3-5 days post discharge. Since the patient is homebound, they normally can’t make it into their Primary Care Provider or Specialist without great effort and cost. The HARP Clinic will follow up with the patient for up to 30 days until the patient can arrange to see their PCP or arrange for a long term housecall service. 

The other initiative is a Paramedicine Pilot Program funded by a grant from the Berning Foundation will start this October. This program is a partnership between Miami Township and TriHealth. The EMS teams of Miami Township/Milford have found that they make a large number of squad runs to Bethesda North are for a small number of patients who have non-emergency type problems. Many of these patients feel isolated and overwhelmed with daily health care needs. The Paramedic will help them with managing chronic health problems, medication reconciliation/compliance, simple acute problems, and home safety issues. This type of program has been successful in other areas of the country.

These programs are being piloted at the Bethesda North HARP Clinic. The Good Samaritan HARP Clinic can refer their patients to these programs when appropriate.

Overall Rating:


exciting initiatives!
Posted by: Cindy Brunsman on September 16, 2019
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I think these initiatives will be very beneficial to our patients!!
Posted by: Cynthia Shivers on September 12, 2019
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Posted by: Suzanne Wudke on September 11, 2019
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Great news for our elderly customers.
Posted by: Jodie McCalla on September 11, 2019
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Exciting news!
Posted by: Amy Sulken on September 11, 2019
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This is so exciting! Great Job!
Posted by: Melissa Kefauver on September 11, 2019
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These are exciting initiatives!
Posted by: Lisa Bell on September 11, 2019
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