TriHealth Bridge

October 08, 2019

The Good Samaritan Medical Assistant Program is a 3 semester course of study designed to prepare students with the administrative, clinical and laboratory skills they need to work effectively in ambulatory care.

It’s a Great Time to Become a Medical Assistant

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts strong growth for medical assistants nationally through 2024. There is an increased demand for Medical Assistants who are credentialed through the examination recognized by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

When you Graduate, You’re Prepared

Our Medical Assistant Program prepares students to take the certification exams available through nationally recognized agencies. Students take 30 semester credit hours including a 210 hour unpaid practicum in a primary care office.

Visit the college website at or set up a tour with Admissions Recruiter Dar Derthick by email at or 513 862 2743.

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