TriHealth Bridge

November 14, 2019

You may see a familiar friend next time you are at Good Samaritan Hospital as Mr. Redlegs and our 150th Anniversary bench make their permanent home there. He joins his All Star Game replica mustache bench located outside our Baldwin location.

The Reds and TriHealth have a longstanding relationship 150 years in the making. Did you know a TriHealth hospital location is actually older than the Cincinnati Reds? The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati opened Good Samaritan Hospital more than 150 years ago, making it the oldest and largest private teaching and specialty health care facility in Greater Cincinnati.

Our working relationship dates back to the Old Cinergy/Riverfront Stadium days and has continued to grow over the years as we provide medical care for players, Corporate Health works with Reds employees and we provide first aid stations, AEDs and hand sanitizers throughout the ball park. The program our Corporate Health division created for Reds employees – RedsFit – is so well thought of that it became a model for other baseball teams across the country!

We are proud to be the Official Healthcare Provider for the Cincinnati Reds and hope to continue for the next 150 years.

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What a great way to engage with our community and have fun at the same time! Way to go Jamie and Marla!
Posted by: RaNae Wright on November 20, 2019
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Feels good seeing TriHealth all over the ballpark when I am there.
Posted by: Kim on November 20, 2019
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Posted by: Lisa Maddock on November 20, 2019
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