TriHealth Bridge

October 28, 2013

Building on the success of its Diversity Advisory Councils - which were nationally recognized in October - TriHealth is introducing team member resource groups (ERGs).

ERGs, also known as affinity groups or business-resource groups, are team member-led and may be formed based on common culture, characteristics or shared interests/affinities.

The Diversity and Inclusion department is proud to announce TriHealth's first two ERGs: LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) and young professionals. Information on how to get involved with these groups will be available in the coming weeks on LinkNet.

TriHealth ERGs are built on a foundation of education, talent management and community engagement. These groups add value to TriHealth by:

  • Connecting like-minded individuals and providing them with a forum for dialogue and networking
  • Energizing team members and improving their quality of life at work through a shared sense of purpose
  • Increasing team member engagement and retention

For more information, contact Lisette Davis, Director of Diversity, at 513 569 6288 or

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