TriHealth Bridge

> eLearning > Non-Employee Orientation

Modified Orientation Programs

Physician Practice Clinical Support Staff Team Members

Below are the educational programs to be completed prior to working at TriHealth. You must have access to a printer prior to completing many modules. Please print your certificate at the end of each of the programs with an asterisk (*) to give to the person coordinating your orientation. If you experience difficulty accessing modules, be sure to use Internet Explorer and avoid Google Chrome or Firefox, at times they can interfere with the modules.

Must receive an 80% or higher to pass quizzes.

Obtaining a badge - please contact Security at the site you are assigned to report to, to make arrangements for badging. Refer to the Security contact information on the Location and Parking Information link.

ANC Patient Attendant

In addition to completing the above, Patients Attendants must also complete the additional requirements below:

ANC Patient Care Assistant

In addition to the modules above, you must also complete the additional modules noted in this section. All completion documents should be submitted to ANC.

Physician Practice Clinical Staff (MAs, LPNs, RNs, Clinical Care Assistants)

In addition to the modules above, you must also complete the additional modules noted in this section.

Visiting Resident Providers

In addition to the modules in the first section, you must also complete the additional modules noted in this section. All completion documents should be submitted to your residency coordinator.

BN Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) e-Learning Bundle 

Orientation curriculum bundle for APPs who will be working in the Bethesda CDU. To be completed upon hire.