TriHealth Bridge

November 08, 2023

Congratulations to our most recent Living Our Values (LOV) Award Winners for Q1 - FY24! Thank you to the recipients for consistently demonstrating our TriHealth SERVE Values and inspiring us all to live out the TriHealth Way. We appreciate you! Click here to learn more about our LOV winners.

Any team member may submit a LOV Award nomination via Appreciation Station. For more information, visit HR Central > Rewards & Recognition or reference the LOV Award tip sheet.

Amanda Voss
June Lykins
Bethesda Butler Hospital

Rebecca Weinmann
Good Samaritan Hospital
Bobbie Hollins
Hospice of Cincinnati

Jessica Rupright
Susan Fluty
McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital


Adam Roach, Shared Services

Allyson Schulte,Bethesda North Hospital

Overall Rating:


Congrats Becky, you are truly deserving of this honor.
Posted by: Madonna Schwab on November 10, 2023
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Congrats Becky, you are truly deserving of this honor.
Posted by: Madonna Schwab on November 10, 2023
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Congratulations to all our Living Our Values team member recipients. I truly enjoyed reading about each one of you and how you SERVE our patients and community. Your actions are definitely an inspiration to me. Thank you for all that you do!!!!
Posted by: Vera Derkson on November 08, 2023
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Congratulations to everyone. This was an awesome honor. Thank you so much!!!
Posted by: Bobbie Hollins on November 08, 2023
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