TriHealth Bridge

June 13, 2023

The Year End Nursing Review & Connecting with Your CNE and CNO Team livestream took place on June 7th. Jenny Skinner, SVP & Chief Nursing Executive, Maria Ashdown, Chief Nursing Officer, Good Samaritan Region, Susan Macy, Chief Nursing Officer, Bethesda Region and Sharon Brehm, Senior Director, TriHealth Nursing Administration hosted a review of priorities and achievements from this past year

As part of the discussion, the panel discussed real examples of what was heard as priority concerns in the last engagement survey and what has been achieved as a result. Additionally, livestream attendees were invited to share comments or questions ahead of the new fiscal year as the new Nursing Strategic Plan is being developed.

If you were unable to join the livestream on June 7th, you can review the recording at this link.

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