TriHealth Bridge

May 11, 2022

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This national month of awareness and action has been recognized since 1949, as mental health activists and practitioners across the country work to spread the word that mental health is something everyone should care about. This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Month is “Back to Basics” which encourages us to provide foundational knowledge about mental health, mental health conditions, and what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern. The psychological and emotional impact of the pandemic have shed a light on the growing health crisis in our country, which is mental illness.

Did you Know?

Mental illness ranks as the 11th major cause of death among all age groups and the second leading cause of death among people age 25 to 34. This tragic situation contributes to billions of dollars in unnecessary healthcare utilization, and the avoidable loss of millions of lives worldwide each year. In the United states, mental illness is among the highest of all diseases, and behavioral health disorders are among the most common causes of disability. While this is a reality, the other tragedy that we see is that in 1 out of 4 adults, these disorders are left insufficiently treated or untreated altogether.

TriHealth’s Commitment

At TriHealth, we are committed to providing quality care to all the people we serve and as such, we are making investments that are reshaping behavioral health services. TriHealth is generating millions of dollars in shared savings that will now be reinvested in essential services which include behavioral health, expanding it’s Integrated Behavioral Health model at all 36 of our Adult PCP locations, as well as other ambulatory patient populations across Pediatrics and Women’s Health, and our Medicaid patients served at the Good Sam Faculty Medical Center and Bethesda Family Medical Center.

The TriHealth Integrated Behavioral Health model puts the patient’s total health and well-being at the center of our care model and wraps the right services around them in a collaborative way – in the right place, at the right time to improve health outcomes and affordability.

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month Local Events:


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