TriHealth Bridge

March 09, 2022

TriHealth is celebrating Certified Nurses Day on March 19 by honoring board-certified nurses. This year, more than 1,150 nurses are being recognized for their professionalism, leadership and commitment to excellence in patient care. Since 2013, TriHealth has continued to increase the percentage of direct care and other clinical nurses that are specialty certified to greater than 43 percent!

“Certification allows nurses to expand their knowledge and validate their expertise,” says Jenny Skinner, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Senior Vice President & Chief Nursing Executive. “I obtained a new certification last year, NEA-BC. Obtaining my Nurse Executive Advanced board certification made me more confident planning our nursing strategy, high-level finance, resource management and system integration. I encourage all nurses to seek certification throughout their nursing career, as both nurses and patients benefit from certification.”

Board certification of nurses plays an increasingly important role in the assurance of high standards of care for patients and families. Nursing, like healthcare in general, has become increasingly complex. A registered nurse (RN) license provides entry to general nursing practice and the knowledge-intensive requirements of modern nursing require extensive education as well as a strong personal commitment to excellence by the nurse.

TriHealth encourages national board certification for all its nurses and covers the cost up to $400 a year for certification examination and certification renewal for those nurses who meet the TriHealth Certification Eligibility Guidelines. In addition, nurses can participate in review courses supported in part by gifts made to the Good Samaritan and Bethesda Foundations. More information about specialty certifications can be found at Bridge>Clinical Hub>Nursing>Professional Development and Education>Certifications (Specialty) Reimbursement.

Please join TriHealth and the nation’s national nursing certification organizations in honoring those hardworking, dedicated, certified nurses for their professionalism and a job well done!

Congratulations to the following $20 Amazon gift card winners in honor of Certified Nurses Day! All winners were contacted individually.


Adams, Courtney


Cook, Nancy


Huth, Julie


Case, Tabatha M.


Kennedy, Cynthia K.

Cardiac Rehab

Guilfoyle, Wendy L.


Tate, Amy


Gasaway, Anita A.


Keehner, Debra


Ventre, Abby N.


Smith, Kathleen S. (Anderson)


Burrell, Paul E.


Baron, Nancy L.

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