TriHealth Bridge

January 21, 2022

It’s a new plan year for Total Rewards medical plans! Team members enrolled in TriHealth medical plans or participating in the LifeStyles program have a lot to look forward to. TriHealth is keeping our promise to deposit HSA seed and LifeStyles incentives into HSA accounts. Some team members will be eligible for both!
HSA Seed Deposit
On Friday, January 7, team members enrolled in a TriHealth medical plan received the first of two contributions to their WEX account. Team members received $200 (single coverage) or $400 (team member plus spouse / child(ren) or family coverage).
The second TriHealth deposit will be made around Friday, July 8.
LifeStyles Incentive Deposit
On Friday January 21, team members who earned a LifeStyles incentive will receive the first of two incentive deposits in their WEX account. If a spouse earned the incentive, it will be deposited in the team member’s WEX account, too. 
The second LifeStyles incentive deposit will be made the week of July 22.  
Remember you needed to complete a visit with your Primary Care Provider to qualify. 
Check Your Account Today!
Log into your WEX account to review your balance and transactions by using the mobile app or using the link on HR Central > Benefits > Benefit Quick Links.
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