TriHealth Bridge

April 12, 2022

The Auxiliary of Bethesda Hospital is celebrating its 62 year history of providing service to Bethesda Hospitals. Each year, the Auxiliary holds a Spring Luncheon and invites Auxilians, team members, and guests to gathering for a meal and the announcement of grants and scholarships. The Auxiliary is happy to be able to hold its Spring Luncheon on Wednesday, May 4 at Bethesda North. As is tradition, the Auxiliary President will provide an annual report, the President of the Bethesda Foundation will swear in the Auxiliary Board Members, and the Auxiliary will award over $100,000 in grants to hospital departments along with college scholarships to high school seniors. RSVPs for the lunch are due by April 25.

$25 per ticket | RSVP by April 25

Checks should be made payable to Auxiliary of Bethesda Hospital and mailed to:
Auxiliary of Bethesda Hospital
10500 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242

Payment can also be made online here.

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