TriHealth Bridge

October 29, 2021

“Prodesse Quam Conspici.” These three Latin words, meaning “to accomplish without being conspicuous,” serve as the motto for Miami University and a calling to be known by what we achieve rather than what we claim. Miami’s motto also aligns closely with TriHealth’s mission to get healthcare right by selflessly serving our patients and community during their times of greatest need.

On October 18, Miami University President Gregory Crawford - pictured above with Mark Clement, TriHealth CEO; Terri Hanlon-Bremer, TriHealth SVP Employer Solutions & Population Health; and Mike Everett, McCullough-Hyde President & CEO - bestowed upon TriHealth the university’s prestigious Prodesse Quam Conspici Award in recognition of the service leadership and caregiving provided by TriHealth’s Miami University Health Services team and McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital staff throughout the ongoing COVID pandemic. 

TriHealth’s COVID journey began in Oxford, through our existing relationship with Miami University, when the first two suspected cases of COVID in Ohio were reported. While, thankfully, those two cases were not diagnosed as COVID, it spurred TriHealth to mobilize our response to this deadly virus in January 2020. 

From there, TriHealth partnered with Miami University to establish safety protocols, develop testing processes for students, faculty and staff, and provide safe, high quality care and treatment for those who got sick. TriHealth and Miami leaders worked together to allow students to return to school in the safest environment possible, and in the process have vaccinated thousands of students and staff members to further protect the Miami campus and the Oxford community. 

And over the past two years, McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital, located adjacent to Miami’s Oxford campus, has transformed to better serve the needs of the university and surrounding community. As an extension of the student health center, McCullough-Hyde expanded COVID testing last year – and again this year – to ensure students could remain in school and also return home with family for the holidays. Through enhanced clinical partnerships, McCullough-Hyde now provides more healthcare opportunities for Miami students. And the hospital has added telemedicine capabilities in our expanded ER, state-of the-art imaging equipment, and an Urgent Care facility on Morning Sun Road for greater convenience and access to care. 

Congratulations to the team members, physicians and leaders with TriHealth’s Miami University Health Services team and McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital for this impressive honor. 


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Posted by: Patricia Naber on November 09, 2021
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