TriHealth Bridge

October 12, 2020

This week we celebrate three recognition weeks: International Central Service Processing Week, Healthcare Security & Safety Week and Officers Week and Infection Prevention Week. We want to acknowledge the many talents and hard work of each of these teams over the last year, as each plays a vital role in The TriHealth Way of Delivering Care and our commitment to Getting Healthcare Right.
Our Central Service Processing team members ensure that team members and physicians have clean and sterile instruments to provide the safest care possible to our patients and their families.
The TriHealth Security team is responsible for ensuring the security and safety of our team members, physicians, our patients and their families.
Infection prevention team members promote health and prevent infections for our team members, physicians and our community. This week of recognition is celebrated globally.
Now more than ever, as we work to keep our facilities safe and ready during the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of each of these teams could not be more critical! Each of these teams helps us provide truly exceptional care and we are grateful for all that they do in helping us SERVE our community. 

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As a 23 year employee with TriHealth in CSS it is nice too be recognized on some level because we are always forgotten and get very little thanks for all the hard work we do. Not many people realize how much goes into this job. Happy CSS week to all my fellow team members you are the BEST!!!
Posted by: Yulunda Hudson on October 16, 2020
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CSS Rules!!!!
Posted by: James Hadley on October 14, 2020
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We greatly appreciate each & every one of you in All Our Teams we are celebrating & value your services. Please know you are True Hero's to TriHealth Team Members every where! Thank you for all you do every day you make us TriHealth Strong.
Posted by: Deborah Miller2 on October 14, 2020
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All the above teams are so appreciated...thanks for all you do! It's also HIP Week for our health information professionals. They work hard to ensure medical records are accurate, complete, and secure. Great coding means better revenue too!
Posted by: Kimberly Shay on October 14, 2020
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